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27 of My Favorite Things...................(Which are Musicals) Part 4

Sorry for the long awaited Part 4...but between my birthday, start of term , family visits, and a quick trip to Paris...I've been preoccupied. BUT I'm finally BACK! (I'll be posting the rest of the show lists weekly due to classwork) Looking forward the choices are becoming increasingly difficult to choose, so expect an honorable mention post later. Also, once my criticism course ends I can put up some reviews. I don't know which ones I'll be using for my portfolio, so I can't publish until I know...ANYWAY on with the list!


Jekyll & Hyde (1997)

Candy Heart Message: YOU & ME

Jekyll & Hyde has one of those librettos that you can sing from top to bottom. It is the #1 album I put on when I want to belt my lungs out. Many people have a weird hatred for this show, but I've never been sure why? The classic Jekyll and Hyde story by Robert Louis Stevenson was originally produced as a concept album starring the powerhouse Linda Eder as Lucy. The show is not so much about Jekyll and Hyde as characters but an examination of people's deepest secrets that they prefer stay hidden; that everyone has two faces one for the day and one at night that we lock behind the facade of our face we show in the day. Jekyll isn't the only character who shows his two faces in the show, every cast member plays at least two characters in the show (one pious, one wicked) except for the characters true to themselves: Lucy, Emma, Emma's Father, and Jekyll's butler Utterson. The Brechtian nature of the show doesn't stop there, between the simplistic set design, didactic nature of the text, and the opening number's elimination of the fourth wall it is a wonderfully intersting show dramaturgically. Although most people are just caught up on the fact that Jekyll has been performed by the likes of Sebastian Bach, David Hasslehoff and Constantine Maroulis. But, honestly I don't blame them. The role of Jekyll is a really challenging one. I mean look at Confrontation, one man switching between his good and evil side? When done well it is frightening to see the switch between Jekyll and Hyde. But, my favorite duo in the show are Lucy and Emma, both born into lives they can not escape. They want adventure and knowledge in an era where people, especially women, could not choose where their lives took them. Songs like Once Upon a Dream, A New Life, and In His Eyes show the power of these women which is so refreshing in musical theatre. I think that is why I love this show so much, two strong female characters in the forefront of a production that are as interesting as its famous title character. Lyrically the show is very strong and creatively pushes the show past the structure of the original novel. Songs such as Facade (and all it's reprises), Good and Evil, Murder, Murder, Dangerous Game, A New Life, and It's most famous songs This is the Moment and Someone Like You are showstoppers. But, I would encourage you to listen to the whole album. You'll be belting in your own car soon enough.


Kiss Me Kate (1953)

(Film Adaptation)

Candy Heart Message: MELT MY <3

Cole Porter, Fosse, AND Shakespeare? Count me in. This musical is a classic. it is one of the gold standards for Hollywood movie musicals. If you only watch the above video, you'll know what a classic movie musical should be...unlike certain new copy-cats. The show follows the story of Taming of the Shrew but in a play within a play within a play sort of way...yeah that's right. Its about an actor and and actress who are recently divorced falling back in love with each other through the course of being cast to play Katherine and Petrucio in Cole Porter's new stage production of Taming of the Shrew. The most amazing part about this movie is ANN effing MILLER. She is an absolute theatre treasure. Every scene she is in you can't take your eyes off her. Her magnetic cute as a button presence and killer dance moves make her an absolute knock out. This is who I try to channel every time I step on stage. The show itself is just so-so, but with Anne Miller along with such timeless songs such as Too Darn Hot, Why Can't You Behave, I Hate Men, Always True to You in My Fashion, and Brush Up on Your Shakespeare it is a must watch for anyone wanting to watch a true classic from the golden age of musicals.


The Last 5 Years (2012)

Candy Heart Message: TIME OUT

Again, another show I can sing from top to bottom. If you're looking for a show to pop your musical theatre cherry, let me suggest this musical as your first listen. In that same breath I suggest you DON'T watch the movie with Jeremy Jordan and Anna Kendrick. The beauty of this show is its simplicity and doesn't transfer well to screen. The Last 5 Years is one of the most beautiful librettos out there and there is absolutely no way you come out the other end not feeling some sort of way about this show and these characters. The show consists of only two characters Jamie and Kathy. It's is a song cycle of sorts as it has no dialogue only songs. But the really interesting thing about this show is that the two characters start at different ends of the timeline of the central story, Kathy at the end and Jamie at the beginning. The story centers around Jamie and Kathy's 5 year relationship and how years can warp who we are and what we remember. Anyone who has gone through heartbreak can relate to this musical through its cutting lyrics and honesty about the give and take between two people. That no relationship is a one way street and both parties hold blame in the downfall. Songs from this show are cabaret staples: Still Hurting, See I'm Smiling, Climbing Uphill, If I Didn't Believe in You, and my personal favorite Nobody Needs to Know. If you listen closely, in Hamilton, there is an homage to this song...THIS SHOW IS AN ABSOLUTE MUST.

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